Wednesday, December 8, 2010

#1 of my top 5

top five clients that is... I have been in the hair world for about five years now, and in a salon for three. I know that I still have a lot to learn and a lot more to look forward to. But as for now, these are my favorite memories and pictures that remind me of them:
#1)Lets start with the bad... Dog Ear Lady. My first and ONLY mistake (so far)

If you are familiar with any hair terms, you know exactly what I mean by "dog ears"... and let me tell ya, what I gave this lady, was worse! She was already in a mood because her usual stylist had decided not to come in that day, and she didn't seem to happy with me either. So, being the professional that I am, I put on a smile and tried to make it work. After about 30mins of her second guessing me and insisting that I had not listened to what she had asked for, she grabbed the comb from my hand... FIRST MISTAKE. She then proceeded to place the comb at the side of her face, above the ear, and tell me this... and I quote, "Can you just cut it here? Can you do that for me, huh, huh? Can ya? I just want you to cut it here, is that so hard to ask?!" So. I cut it. SECOND MISTAKE! Then I matched the other side... THIRD MISTAKE! Well, by now she wants nothing to do with me and is in tears. So, I calmly walk to the back room, get another stylist and tell her to have fun. The client later stormed out of the salon, and I assume is still growing that haircut out to this day. I learned a lot from Dog Ear Lady. #1) IF they seem on edge, they are! #2) Don't EVER give someone your comb #3) If they say "cut it here", and "here" is above their ears, and the length of their hair is past their shoulders... DON'T CUT IT! So, while I am basking in my Bad Hair story, here are some of my favorite Bad hair day pictures:

a friend and I at an 80's throwback party

Head band + no make up + boredom = bad day for all

self explanatory...


  1. You are a dork!
    But...that is why I have no opinion of what you do to my hair...just do it!

  2. I think I might come to you for the next cut....
